miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2021

The toughest job in the world

 Here you can see the video we saw in class:The toughest job in the world:

24 People Who Applied for the World’s Toughest Job Were In for Quite a Surprise

The Boston agency posted this job online for a "director of operations" position at a company called Rehtom Inc. The requirements sounded  brutal:
• Standing up almost all the time
• Constantly exerting yourself
• Working from 135 to unlimited hours per week
• Degrees in medicine, finance and culinary arts necessary
• No vacations
• The work load goes up on Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's and other holidays
• No time to sleep
• Salary = $0

The job ad got 2.7 million impressions from paid ad placements. Only 24 people inquired. They were interviewed via webcam, and their real-time reactions were captured on video.
Check out what happened below. It's worth watching to the end.


lunes, 19 de abril de 2021

The cinema

 In the links below you can find interesting vocabulary, phrases and quizzes about the world of the cinema and television:

In the following link you can watch and listen to a lot of movie trailers in original version with subtitles:

The Passive voice in Harry Potter films

Practise the Passive voice with scenes of popular series and films

Talking about movies

Watch this video to learn how to talk about movies. Practise the questions and asnwers.
The level is a bit high but you can learn a lot of interesting vocabulary and expressions. 

Talking about movies

Talking about movies: Intermediate level (easy!)

  1. What movie genres do you like?
  2. What's our all time favourite movie?
  3. Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction movies
  4. Are there any movies that you can watch over and over again?
  5. Are there any type of movies that you dislike?
  6. Do you like seeing movies on the big screen?
  7. who's your favourite actor or actress?

Examples of the passive structure in real English

The passive voice in the news

Have a look at this video to revise the use of the passive voice:




Remember you have very good exercises to practice on your Grammar book. Units 42 and 43.

jueves, 11 de febrero de 2021

The UK's most multilingual student ( File 4A )

He is English but he can speak eleven languages...We read about him in File 4 text in class. He is famous now.
Listen to some of his tips. (Don't worry if you don't understand everything...he's not speaking English most of the time!!! )


Here you can listen to Alex Rawlings in the News! Listen to see what you can understand (The level of English is not Intermediate!)


Newsreader: As you can see I've brought in some help for this next story
Alex: (He translates into some language...)
 Newsreader:Very good! There is a warning about the lack of English people  being able to speak a foreing language these days
Alex: (He translates into some language...) 
Newsreader:A new study claims that it will seriuously damage the UK both economically and culturally.
Alex: (He translates into some language...) 
Newsreader:Very good! So you can tell my English is very good as it's my own language, but Alex here my new copresenter speaks eleven languages including English...


martes, 9 de febrero de 2021